Kamden’s Room



Kamden’s Room was inspired by Kamden, Vanessa’s son, who lived for a short 9 months due to a rare fatal disease called Zellweger’s Syndrome. Vanessa wanted to give children what Kamden was not able to receive- a childhood. Kamden’s Room donates books to children and teaches them guided meditation to improve their literacy and life skills with hopes to open them up to an array of horizons through educating themselves. 


One is liberated when one has freedom, when one has knowledge.


When Kamden’s Room meditates with children, they absolutely love it! There are so many benefits of children meditating. They are happier human beings; not just now but studies show even 30 years from now, they are happier than the average. Meditation relieves stress, anxiety and being over-stimulated. This is something a lot of children go through and does not get acknowledged enough. Kamden’s Room believes in teaching children 10 minute meditation so they can utilize the mindfulness skill whenever and wherever they are.

You can donate to the charity we sponsored called Khushi Charitable Society online here:
Thank you to everyone who contributed to this great initiative and to those who will contribute. 
Here are magical photos of what took place in April 2019 for the Khushi kids, thanks to those in community who opened their hearts to this to make it happen!